
What is the average salary for Perl programmers in 2020?

Original article published  my new blog If I have no definitive answer on this, the  Business Insider  has some insights: HackerRank polled 116000 developers about their salaries and got interesting results: Perl is associated with an average global salary of $84,025.50 (54.2% higher than the global average salary) Scala is associated with an average global salary of $77,159.60 Go is associated with an average global salary of $72,691.30 Python is associated with an average global salary of $56,670.90 JavaScript is associated with an average global salary of $55,690 Without more information about the polled panel it's hard to state this results as “Truth” but they seems to confirm personal beliefs: The salary is more linked to the scarsity of resources than to the trendyness of the associated technology. Perl resources are less and less available. You know what ? It's good to be a Perl programmer :-)

GoFr - Episode 08

L'épisode 08 du podcast est en ligne (avec un nouveau format plus court) On y parle de Machine Learning, d'outils golang et des évènements de la communauté Go.

Perl in 2020

Original article published  my new blog “Nobody use it. It's a dead language. It's a technology of the past…” Are the kind of statement you'll be likely to hear about Perl nowadays. Nonetheless, I've landed one of the most exciting mission I've ever had because of Perl. I've met great people, because of Perl. I've solved issues in no time, because of Perl. So, there's no chance I'll drop Perl any time soon. That doesn't mean I'll stop exploring new languages (like Kotlin) or even loving other ones (like Golang). But you know, when I love it's forever… WHAT PERL IN 2020? For me it will be maintaining and improving an impressive code base used by thousands of people in a great University. Improving Net::Whois::RIPE, as some people are still using it. (by the way, a  new release  is out!) Probably more testing (setting up a CPAN smoker?) and always some more tools… AND THEN? It will probably be like th...

On the move

Blogger has been useful, but it's time to get my data back. That's why this blog will slowly move to a self-hosted platform:    (for those wondering, it uses  Hugo ) See you soon for brand new articles on this support.

Sur le départ...

La plateforme Blogger m'a bien été utile, mais il est temps de se réapproprier mes données. C'est pourquoi ce blog va tout doucement migrer vers une plateforme auto-hébergée :    (pour ceux qui se poseraient la question le nouveau blog tourne sur  Hugo ) A bientôt pour de nouveaux articles sur ce support.

GoFr - Episode 07

GoFr - Episode 07 (Soundcloud) est sorti ! Sébastien FRIESS , Stanislas Michalak et moi y parlons du Framework Buffalo, de la contribution à des projets Open Source et de la GopherCon Eu entre autres choses...

GoFr - Episode 06

GoFr - Episode 06 (Soundcloud) est sorti ! Sébastien FRIESS , Thomas Perez et moi y parlons entre autre choses de la dotGo 2019 à Paris.